Monday, December 27, 2021

How to Fix : VCRUNTIME140.DLL, VCRUNTIME140_1.dll or MSVCP140.dll was not found

How to Fix: VCRUNTIME140.DLL, VCRUNTIME140_1.dll or MSVCP140.dll was not found...

On your Windows 10 computer, a 3rd party program (e.g., Epic Games) may throw the error that the module VCRUNTIME140.DLL, VCRUNTIME140_1.DLL, or MSVCP140.dll is missing from the computer. Here are the error messages which you may encounter:

Luckily this error is very common and it is very easy to resolve. Any file error starting with VCRUNTIME, or having MSVCP in its name, is related to Microsoft Visual C++. This redistributable package enables developers to develop specific applications. Sometimes, these support files are not included in the installation files of a specific application

For example, Dolphin.exe may trigger the VCRUNTIME140_1.dll error. But also Firefox users sometimes face the VCRUNTIME error.

In the past, I’ve written similar posts referring to errors with MSVCR110.dll and MSVCR120.dll.

Fix VCRUNTIME140_1.dll was not found

To fix the error for VCRUNTIME140_1.dll was not found, follow these steps:

  1. Open the following website (opens in a new tab):
  2. On the website, there are 3 versions: x86, x64 and ARM64. What you need depends on the application you are trying to run. But if unsure, just download both x86 and x64.

Direct link to vc_redist.x86.exe:
Direct link to vc_redist.x64.exe:

OR download from below link
Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022

This table lists the latest supported English (en-US) Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages for Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022. The latest supported version has the most recent implemented C++ features, security, reliability, and performance improvements. It also includes the latest C++ standard language and library standards conformance updates. We recommend you install this version for all applications created using Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, or 2022.

VISUAL STUDIO 2015, 2017, 2019, AND 2022
ARM64 for latest supported ARM64 version
X86 for latest supported x86 version
X64 for latest supported x64 version. The X64 redistributable package contains both ARM64 and X64 binaries. This package makes it easy to install required Visual C++ ARM64 binaries when the X64 redistributable is installed on an ARM64 device.

Download other languages and versions, including versions for long term servicing release channels (LTSC), from

3. Install both files. Installing Visual C++ only involves agreeing to the license terms and clicking Install. Note: if you don’t see Install, but Repair, click Repair. Your Visual C++ installation may be damaged or corrupted.

4. Once you have installed Visual C++, try to run the application. It should now run fine.

5. Optional: You may delete the installation files. However, Do not uninstall Visual C++, as it will again cause errors. It’s best to leave all versions installed.

If this article did not help you solve your problem, please leave a comment! This website is visited thousands of times a day. There is a good chance that I or someone else has an answer to your question.

In addition, if you have a better solution for this problem, please leave a comment too! It may help me improve this article, as well as you may help other users facing this issue.

VCRUNTIME140.dll is one of the runtime libraries of Microsoft Visual Studio (VC++) 2017 or 2015. VC++ runtime libraries are DLL files required to run programs compiled with Microsoft VC++ / Visual Studio suite. Software vendors usually include the runtime libraries in the setup packages since many versions with the same DLL file name can exist.

Here is the list of some Visual C++ runtime library files:

  • mfc140u.dll
  • mfcm140.dll
  • mfcm140u.dll
  • mfc140chs.dll
  • mfc140cht.dll
  • mfc140deu.dll
  • mfc140enu.dll
  • mfc140esn.dll
  • mfc140fra.dll
  • mfc140ita.dll
  • mfc140jpn.dll
  • mfc140kor.dll
  • mfc140rus.dll
  • ucrtbase.dll
  • vcruntime140.dll
  • vcruntime140_1.dll
  • msvcp140.dll
  • concrt140.dll
  • vccorlib140.dll
  • vcamp140.dll
  • vcomp140.dll

Thanks for reading and watching...

Masud Rana


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